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美联物业代理有限公司 牌照号码 C-000982
*私人贷款参考例子,有关条款及细则请参阅经络按揭网页: 例子一 : 假设贷款额为$300,000及还款期为6个月,实际年利率为2.99%,贷款之总还款额为$302,592。例子二 : 假设贷款额为$300,000及还款期为10年,实际年利率为8%,贷款之总还款额为$541,200。
Midland Realty does not provide any mortgage or Personal Loan products. We only provide free referral services and do not have any handling fees. We are responsible for introducing mortgage or Personal Loan information to clients on behalf of our partnering banks or financial institutions. Clients’ application will be eventually transferred to the application page of those banks or financial institutions from Midland Realty App. The offers and privileges, listed on the app, are provided by banks or financial institutions and are subjects to terms and conditions. Some financial institutions may charge clients with handling fees, and they reserves the final rights and decisions on changing the product T&C from time to time without prior notice.
*Examples on Personal Loan application, please refer to T&C for details: Example 1: For a loan amount of $300,000 with 6-month repayment period, the APR is 2.99% and the total loan repayment amount is $302,592. Example 2: For a loan amount of $300,000 with 10-year repayment period, the APR is 8% and the total loan repayment amount is $541,200.